Thursday, June 5, 2008

Banana's Round 2

This weekend we will be exploring the Chiquita Banana plantation. I think this will be really interesting because I have heard they have a good presentation and I also really like bananas. This will be a good way to experience how the mass production of this major economic provider occurs here in Costa Rica. An interesting fact is that Chiquita Brands is based out of Cincinnati, Ohio, close to Miami University.

Banana cultivation, a major source of foreign exchange, continues to be one of the principal agricultural activities for many developing countries of Latin America, the Caribbean and Africa. The banana industry has been designed and oriented almost exclusively towards the export market. I have noticed the bananas here are not as popular of a consumer product for Costa Ricans as pineapple and other fruits. My host family does have bananas usually but that is in addition to a lot of other fruits.